
Bravery 2


Year 2: Sometimes our body rightly tells us to be afraid. At other times we should take a deep breath and control our fear. 

Core Story

The Rabbit who Overcame Fear - A Jataka tale. A little white rabbit is startled by a falling conker and becomes terrified that an earthquake is coming. The rabbit warns everyone he meets until the panic has spread to all the animals in the forest and they’re all running in a blind panic closer and closer to the edge of a cliff. It is only when a brave lion emerges and teaches them to cope better with fear that they realise the danger they had put themselves in.

Before reading the story to the class, set up Activity 1.

Drawing out the virtue

In this lesson, the activity should be done before reading the story.  The activity builds children’s understanding of what fear feels like and will therefore help them to understand the story better.

 To introduce this topic talk about how fear can make small things seem more frightening, for example hearing a strange noise is much scarier if you are alone in a dark forest than if you are with your friends at home.  Ask the children to talk about times when they have felt afraid. What happens when you feel scared?

Activity 1:  The body when we’re afraid

What feelings do we get when we feel afraid? Give groups of pupils the worksheet Y2 Bravery which has an outline of a human body. Ask pupils to label how the body tells us we’re scared (brain working really fast, dry mouth, rapid heartbeat, trembling hands etc.)

Talk about how these feelings help us to know we are afraid. Sometimes they warn us about danger – but many things are not as scary as they seem! Talk to the children about strategies they might use to help them when they feel like this eg. taking a deep breath, talking to a friend, visualising themselves achieving the thing they are afraid to do.


Now share the story together as a class.

How did the rabbit’s imagination make him more frightened in this story? 

What danger did their fear nearly lead them into?

Why did the other animals stampede after him?

How does being frightened affect the people around you?

How did the Lion help them?




Butterflies in your stomach.


Blood turns cold.

Hairs stand on end.

Library books

Jack and the Beanstalk

The Timid Little Tiger by J. Palecek David and Goliath, Bible story.

Brave Irene by William Steig

Red Ted and the Lost Things by Michael Rosen